Our home is nestled on 6 acres ,within a reasonable drive from Vancouver ,around 90 minutes.Our property backs on to many acres of green space, we are very blessed to be surrounded by beautiful trees and clean fresh air, makes us feel like we are in paradise. |
This is a picture of our home from space.
We feel that we are very fortunate to live in such a beautiful place like West Coast.

Scenic drive way will take you to entrance to our property to our house.
It is well known that the best place in the house is always occupied by a cat, here is El Torro`s favourite spot. We call it Totto`s nest.

Iron Will also has a favourite spot.

We also have a cats observatory, where our cats like to hang out and watch the birds.

For our baby kittens we have a separate sun room, where they can hang around, look at the outside and get some sun.

For our adult cats we have an outdoor enclosure, where they can get some fresh air and enjoy the sun and watch the birds. Although the enclosure is safe ,we never leave our kitties out by them selves.

Kitchen and family room

On this picture you can see a window spot, custom designed for our kitties to enjoy and they absolutely love it.

This is our family room, if you are talking to me, this is where I usually hang around with my cats .The shelves next to the fireplace are one of the most loved spots for our cats, they just love to lay there and observe what’s going on.hang-out-place.

You are welcome to meet our pets. |